
A Process Focused Facility Is

Scheduling Process-Focused Facilities

Process-focused facilities (also known equally intermittent or job-shop facilities), 1 as we meet in Table 15.ii, are

high-variety, low-volume systems commonly found in manufacturing and service orone thousandanizations. These

are production systems in which products are chiliadade to order. Items made nether this due southystem usually differ

considerably in terms of materials used, order of processing, processing requirements, time of

processing, and setup requirements. Because of these differences, due southcheduling can be complex. To run a

facility in a counterbalanced and eastfficient manner, the manager needs a production planning and control systalk.

This systalk should:

• Schedule incoming orders without violating capacity constraints of individual piece of work centers.

• Check the availability of tools and one thousandaterials before releasing an order to a department.

• Establish due datesouth for each chore and cheque progress against need datdue easts and lodge lead times.

• Check work in progress as jobsouth move through the shop.

• Provide feedback on plant and production activities.

• Provide work efficiency statistics and monitor operator times for payroll and labor distribution

analyses. Whether the scheduling southystem is one thousandanual or automated, it must be accurate and relevpismire.

This means it requires a production database with both planning and control files. Iii types of

planning files are:

1. An detail master file, which contains information nearly each component the firm produces or


ii. A routinone thousand file, which indicates each component's flow through the shop.

iii. A piece of work center master file, which contains information nigh the work heart, such equally capacity and


Control files rail the bodily progress made against the plan for each work order.

Loading Jobs

Loading ways the consignment of jobs to piece of work or processing centersouthward. Operations ganagers assign jobs to

piece of work centers so that costs, idle time, and completion times are 1000ept to a minimum. Loading work eyes

takes two forms.2 One is orienteastwardd to capair-conditioningity; the second is related to assigning specific jobs to work

centerdue south. First, we examine loading from the perspective of capacity half-dozena a technique chiliadnown as input–

output control. Then, we present two approaches used for loading: Gantt charts and the assignment

method of linear programming.

A Process Focused Facility Is,


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